Wednesday, January 23, 2013

smoomie and a bet

So far, January is kicking my butt.  In 2013 we have 13 tradeshows (we had TWO when I first started working for them five years ago).  Nearly one-third of those 13 shows are in the month of January.

We finished up the Atlanta show two weeks ago - although I left a few days early and flew to Las Vegas to finish the set up for that showroom.  Tomorrow morning I fly to New York where both companies are showing and then I fly directly to Las Vegas for the final show of the month.

In between shows, I've been trying to spend as much time as I can with my little boy.  When I came home from Atlanta, we were playing with his trucks.  He held up one of his trucks and said, "check it out, it's really awesome!"

I'm not sure where he learns this stuff - probably at daycare since there are a few older kids, but it cracked me up. 

We've also been enjoying green "smoomies" as Ryan calls them.  My friend Amy invited me to hear the Green Smoothie Girl speak a few weeks ago and we've been drinking them down ever since.  I love that Ryan is drinking several servings of fruits and veggies every day - no more battling to get him to eat his greens!

And in case you were wondering, I'm still off sugar.  It's January 23rd today which means I am 23 days off sugar.

But ask me again if I'm still off sugar on February 2nd after I get home from New York and Las Vegas.  And by the way, that includes spending my 47th (yikes!) birthday in New York. 

$100 bucks says my answer will be yes.  And yes, that is an actual bet.  If you ask me on February 2nd if I am still off sugar and my answer is NO, I will pay you $100.

How's THAT for incentive?

See y'all on Feb 2nd!

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