Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm freakishly good...

Several years ago my family had this weird conversation about what we're freakishly good at. I suppose it all started with jigsaw puzzles.

For as long as I can remember, Santa gave me a jigsaw puzzle for Christmas. I LOVED puzzles! And for several days between Christmas and New Years, we would work on puzzle after puzzle. In fact, the holidays just don't seem complete unless I do at least one.

And if I do say so myself, I am freakishly good at doing puzzles. Ask anyone in my family. I know what they'll say.

But here's the thing. If you could be freakishly good at something, let's say anything at all, would you choose to be freakishly good at doing puzzles?

I think not.

This led to us asking each other what we would be freakishly good at. If you could choose anything in the whole, wide world, what would you want to be freakishly good at?

I would love to be able to sing. Freakishly. As a second runner up, I would love to be able to play any and every musical instrument. Just be able to pick up a guitar and jam. Play the violin until it made my mom cry. I think you get the picture.

My sister Melissa said she'd love to be able to do spontaneous back flips. She wants to be able to walk down the street and just jump and do a back flip. I have to agree, that would be pretty amazing.
My husband thinks he's freakishly good at dancing. But really, it's just freakish.

So, as the puzzle season approaches, I ask you two questions....what are you freakishly good at and if you could be freakishly good at ANYTHING, what would it be?

I bet it's not puzzles.


  1. I can just imagine Melissa walking down the street suddenly flipping like it's nothing and continuing on her way. Seeing that would definitely make my day:)

    Is it you or someone else who always calls me the baby whisperer? I think that's something I'm freakishly good at, not sure why, but it's usually the case. If I could choose what I was freakishly good at, it would probably be speaking lots of different languages, how cool would that be to talk to anyone in any country at any time.

  2. oh, speaking different languages! I want to do that too!

    And you ARE a baby whisperer...I was just saying last night that Joy would be able to get Ryan to eat (he's had a cold and wouldn't eat anything!)

  3. I still want the backflip thing, but it has escalated to multiple backflips. Like maybe even be able to do blackflips down a sidewalk for a block. I think it would be a hilarious mode of transportation.

    I am really good at killing flies. I don't know if I'm freakishly good at it, but I'm pretty awesome. I like how Nat and I have completely useless talents. Can we find a way to make money off of these?

  4. If anyone could make a living doing backflips or killing flies, you could!

  5. This has been one of my favorite blog posts I've read in over a month!

    I think I need to develop my talents some more before I can say I'm freakishly good at any of them.

    I would love to be freakishly musical or freakishly artistic but sense that's never going to happen I'd settle for puzzles. ;) and I'd love to see those back flips!!! I'm too scared to want that talent.
