Monday, September 27, 2010

crazy days...crazy faces

I don't imagine I'll have much time to blog for the next 30 days or so. My company is launching a new company on October 17th and I have a to-do list that is stressing me out. But for now, here are a few pictures of our funny boy. Do all babies continually make funny faces?
And here's what's going on in the Smart house...
I had my third bout of my mystery illness since Ryan's birth. For some reason I get this weird illness that happens. My body starts aching, I get either a fever and/or the chills. Sometimes I get a bad headache. I go to bed for the night and either shiver or sweat and 15 to 20 hours later it's gone. My doctor doesn't know what it any of you?
Ryan isn't sleeping very well. For the first several weeks he slept like a champ. But the last several nights he's been waking up every hour. Tony's been a champ and gets up to tend to Ryan and he usually ends up sleeping on the sofa with Ryan on his chest...which we're not sure is a good thing.
My work is crazy. Crazy. And it will be like this for several more weeks. We're trying to decide whether to fly back with Ryan to North Carolina for the big furniture market where we're launching our new company.
And one of these days I intend to write about something other than Ryan or being a mom. One of these days...
But with a baby as cute as this, what else is there to write about??


  1. My guess would be borderline mastitis. I used to get it when I was breastfeeding, too. If you are still pumping and drinking a lot and then trying to sleep more when you get these little bouts, you are probably curing yourself of it. I would do the same and it never became full blown mastitis. I don't know...just a thought!

  2. It sounds to me like you are just plain exhausted and mastitis could be a good guess as well. With mastitis though you usually have a sore red area on the breast where the infection is unless like your friend said, it isn't full-blown.

    You're right - he is a cutie. ;)

  3. Why would you want to write about anything besides Ryan? He is TOO cute!!!!!! Sorry life is so crazy! Let me know if there is any way I can help. Good luck!
