Monday, December 6, 2010

it's mommy...

I woke up at 3:30 am eastern time on Saturday morning as excited as I've ever been. Early morning flights are horrible, but it was a small price to pay to see my baby as early as possible. But it was awfully early.

When I finally landed in SLC, I called my sister who was picking me up so we could drive straight to my sister-in-law's baby shower. I could hear Ryan screaming SCREAMING in the background. "Ryan's really excited to see you," she laughingly said.

By the time she got to the airport I felt like I was going to burst with anticipation of our reunion. I couldn't wait to pick himi up and hug him. My sister pulled up to Pick Up #7, I opened the door and saw asleep. Considering the screaming episode of a few minutes ago and considering the drive ahead of us (to Orem), I thought it wise to let this sleeping baby lie. So much for my cuddly reunion.

But cuddle we did. And it was sweet. Ryan didn't forget me like I feared. And Ryan wasn't walking and talking like I dreamed.

When Ryan was in the hospital, the first thing I would say to him when I arrived was, "it's mommy." I always felt like he knew I was his mommy.

Later on the drive to Orem, Ryan woke from his slumbering and smiled when he heard me say, "it's mommy."

And that smile was just what I needed.

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