Sunday, January 23, 2011


Can I be really, really honest?

This blog isn't what I really wanted it to be. What I really wanted is a blog where I could be completely and totally honest without any filtering. I wanted to write about myself, my life, about those around me and the world we live in without worrying about what people thought about me or worrying about anyone's feelings.

I wanted to write about things I love about myself without anyone thinking I was narcissistic. I wanted to write about things I don't love about myself without anyone judging me. I wanted to write about doubts and fears and hopes and dreams.

I even thought about creating this blog anonymously. And I wondered why I wanted a public forum. Why wouldn't a private journal suffice? I don't know the answer to the question and I don't know what the intrigue of an unfiltered blog is to me, but there it is.

Last week was horrible. And for a lot of reasons, I don't think I can write about it. Mostly because it involves someone else who said something horrible to me. To satisfy your curiousity, it wasn't Tony or any of my family. It was someone I associate with on a regular basis.

It was untrue and unjust and I'm trying to figure out what to do about it. Feeling confident that I did the right thing isn't enough. But I'm not sure how to go about fixing my situation without creating a problem for someone else.

And I wish I could write about it. Unfiltered.

1 comment:

  1. You can write about it "unfiltered" in a nice little private e-mail to me. ;) Sorry it was such a bad week.
