Friday, February 11, 2011

guess what we've been doing?

Oh the joys of feeding rice cereal to a baby...

I didn't think it would be easy, but I didn't realize how hard those first few days would be. But he seems to be getting the hang of it. I don't think much cereal actually made it to Ryan's little tummy those first few days...I have to admit that I might have ended the cereal eating session a bit prematurely though.

But by the third day, Ryan was opening his mouth and actually eating the cereal. And I think maybe 50% of the cereal made it to his tummy. I'm no expert, but in my book, that's good enough for me.

This slow transition to eating solids has me thinking about breast feeding which has never been my strong suit. Not that I don't enjoy it, I really do. Even those middle of the night feedings. I love that connection you feel with your little baby and I love just looking down at his cute face as he's nursing. So yes, I do enjoy breast feeding.

At the risk of TMI, the part that isn't my strong suit is in the milk production area. I only produce about 1 to 2 ounces of milk. And if you must know, my right breast doesn't produce ANY milk at all and yes, I am a bit lopsided (tmi again...). And lately even that has been dwindling. I'm going to keep breast feeding as long as I can, but I fear my nursing days are numbered.

I know I'm lucky to have a baby at this late stage in my game and I think even being able to breast feed at all, even if it is just an ounce or two, is a gift that I'll gladly accept as long as I can keep it going.

I will say that I've been pumping in some not-so-lovely public restrooms in my travels these past few months. The airport restrooms aren't so bad, but the restroom in Pier 94 in New York, is by far my least favorite pumping venue.

But like I said, if that's what it takes, I'll take it.

1 comment:

  1. He's adorable - cereal and all! Feeding a baby, whether it's the breast, bottle or the first solids, was always stressful to me. Trying to get my four year old to eat causes me almost as much stress as my 16 year old who thinks no one else in the world exists besides her. On the flip side, my son is almost home from his mission, and judging by his letters, he sounds waaaay cool and will cause me very low stress. ;)
