Friday, April 29, 2011

downward dog

I love that I can write something on this blog and then an idea pops into my mind. Like the last posting about finding a hobby. Today I woke up and thought, I should try doing yoga.

I've always had a mild fascination with yoga and meditation. In fact, when Tony and I were first dating, he told me how he meditated on a daily basis. So for our second date, I told him I wanted him to teach me to meditate. It was a very interesting date to say the least but I won't go into that...

I've tried meditating but find I'm too ADHD. I can't focus. I can't stay still. I can't concentrate on just breathing or being.

But maybe yoga is the key. It's all about balance right?

We're going on vacation soon to a nice beachy place. When Tony asked me what I wanted to do on vacation, I replied "sleep." The truth was I couldn't really think of much (see last post) that I wanted to do besides sleep and maybe try to read.

So I'll give yoga a whirl and see how it goes. Yoga-ish tips, suggestions and comments are most welcome...

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