Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Wall

Just in case anyone has wondered (and if you haven't, I will not in any way be offended), I've lost another of five....and I've broken through that wall that I've faced so many times.

Here's the thing - I've never worked so hard to get 5 pounds off this body. Back when I was in my 30's, I would've lost AT LEAST 10 pounds or more. Seriously, as if making it harder for women to lose weight wasn't enough, now they're making it excruciating since I'm 45. Not fair, I tell you, not fair.

But 5 pounds is 5 pounds. Nevermind that I have another 5 to go till my pre-pregnancy weight. And nevermind that I have another 10 to go till my pre-marriage weight. And...well, nevermind.

The scary thing is I start traveling again next week. Starting next Thursday, it's a week in a hotel. So my goal is to lose another pound before I go and then go on maintenance for a week until I get back home.

And then I'm home for about 5 days until my next trip, and then home for about 10 days until the next. See what I mean? Not fair.

But for now, I'm going to pat myself on the back for busting through that wall. And then I'm going to go work out. Again.

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